by on December 3, 2020 in Recent Activity

Available now on Bandcamp. CDs ship around December 10.

A few people have commented on the cover art for the new album. As usual, John Bergin did an amazing job on the photos and layout. He has designed most of my covers in the last 20 years. You might not think the subject of these photos has a personal meaning to me, but it does. These are Lichtenberg figures, fractal-like plasma patterns created by high voltage discharge. They resemble the patterns created by lightning, and other fractals (like watersheds, blood vessels or neurons). In this case, the branches are embedded in cylinders of acrylic that my father saved from his workplace in the 1970s, a small company that designed linear accelerators. To test the electron beams, they put acrylic samples at the focal point and pulsed a very short high power beam into it, just to make sure the device was working. Engineers could keep these tests as souvenirs. My father passed away in 2019, and I found these cylinders when we were closing my parent’s house. It seemed to fit the ideas behind this album perfectly. 

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